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Sustainability Management


Busan City Gas founded its business management system
on SK’s corporate culture,
SKMS (SK Management System), to create value for its customers,
members, shareholders, business partners, society, etc.
Through this, we will play a crucial role in the development of our society and economy
and furthermore, we will manage our businesses to contribute much to the happiness of mankind.
Busan City Gas has established and strictly complies with rules of ethics that are the bases of its actions
and judgment and those of its members.

  • Basic Ethics of Members
    Our members will contribute towards
    the company’s development
    and creation of value for its stakeholders.
  • Responsibility towards Customers
    We strive to continuously satisfy our customers so as to win their trust
    and to ultimately progress with them.
  • Responsibility towards Members
    We create an environment
    that will enable our members
    to work voluntarily and passionately.
  • Responsibility towards Shareholders
    We maximize the company’s value
    to its shareholders,
    and we manage efficiently to enhance our business clarity.
  • Responsibility towards Business Partners
    We seek simultaneous development
    with our business partners,
    and compete fairly with our competitors.
  • Responsibility towards Society
    Besides contributing to our economy,
    we contribute to society through social
    and cultural activities and comply
    with social regulations.
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Reporting Ethical Management

SK E&S is doing its best to become a model of a transparent and honest company for the growth and happiness of its customers, members, shareholders, business partners, and other stakeholders.

We are open to reports of unfair business conduct; unreasonable requests for money, valuables, and favors; related misconduct;
and other illegal/corrupt actions. The identity of the reporter and the contents of the report will be kept confidential under all circumstances, and the results can be verified in any desired format.